Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!

A few weeks early....anyway.

But hey, exactly one year ago, we were in the throws of planning a lovely little farm wedding - and that's worth celebrating! Plus, I'm notorious for celebrating my birthday from August 29 (Justin's birthday) all the way until the actual date, September 21, and I don't see why we can't celebrate our marriage during March...all of March!

My friend Emily invited us to attend the Endymion Extravaganza in New Orleans, which is a black-tie event where the Endymion parade rolls through once it has rolled through the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

We had been talking about taking a trip to New Orleans to celebrate our anniversary so the timing was perfect. Since it was Justin's first time to go to Mardi Gras, we decided to make a big deal of it and stay all the way through Fat Tuesday. We spent the first half with Emily's family and then got a hotel room downtown by the French Quarter for the second half.

Here's some documentation of our trip for your viewing pleasure:

Before the ball...all dressed up!

All the girls

Me & Justin at the ball before the parade

Haha - Justin watching the parade - waiting for some beads

Our loot we collected from Endymion Parade

More Loot from parades on the street!

Okay I'm not big on the Charlie Sheen hype, but this was funny nonetheless.

Enjoying the wonderful weather at the Zulu festival

One of the dogs from Barkus, the dog parade!

We had a great time...if you can't tell. Emily's family was so gracious to host us (and so many other couples!) and we really enjoyed the time away together.

So here's to another year together! It's been the best year of my life and I look forward to celebrating all of March, each March, for the rest of our life together!

All the best to you and yours!

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